Dr. Mallery does not promote or recommend the use of fluoride for her patients. She follows the recommendations by IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology).

While some evidence suggests that topical applications of fluoride might lower the incidence of tooth decay, evidence also suggests that swallowed toothpaste can contribute to childhood overdose.

A dentist recommends fluoride-free products
  • The IAOMT has recognized that there is strong evidence to support potential harm from systemic exposure to fluoride. In fact, based on an ongoing examination of the toxicological data on fluoride, the IAOMT has made several preliminary determinations over the last 18 years:  Each time, the IAOMT has concluded that fluoride added to the public water supply and fluoride prescribed as controlled-dose supplements deliver no discernible health benefit, but on the contrary, these uses of fluoride can actually cause a higher incidence of adverse health effects.

  • Exposure to fluoride has been associated with an array of serious health complications, including the following conditions:

    • Behavioral problems

    • Carcinogenicity and genotoxicity

    • Dental fluorosis

    • Depression

    • Hip fracture

    • Increased blood lead (Pb) levels in children

    • Impaired glucose tolerance (often a precursor to type 2 diabetes)

    • Learning difficulties

    • Osteosarcoma (a form of bone cancer)

    • Reproductive and developmental effects

    • Thyroid deficiency (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism)

    • Weight gain

  • Fluorine, which is poisonous, is the 13th most abundant element found on the earth. It is called fluoride when it is combined with other elements, which can either reduce or increase the toxicity.

    For example, when combined with calcium, it is a solid rock called fluorite, but when added to public water supplies, it is a very toxic form called hydrofluosilicic acid, which is shipped from the pollution scrubber systems of phosphate fertilizer mines.

    97% of Europe does not add fluoride to its water supplies, and evidence shows that adding fluoride to water supplies does not influence rates of tooth decay and can instead cause visible harm to teeth in a condition called dental fluorosis.  This condition, caused by exposure to fluoride, is known to affect 42% of American children.

    • Over 65% of the community water supplies in the United States

    • Dental products such as toothpaste, floss, mouthwash, glass ionomer fillings and cements, and compomer fillings

    • Sodium Fluoride “supplements” (drops, tablets, multivitamins and lozenges), which are illegal, unapproved by the FDA, and can also cause dental fluorosis

    • Other consumer products including food and beverages made with fluoridated water, pesticides, and many drugs such as Prozac, Avelox, Cipro, Levaquin and additional drugs in the fluoroquinolones (fluorinated quinolone) family