The Dent Air Vac brand air filter device
Dent AirVac logo with text "At Source Oral Aerosol Evacuation Equipment"

In each restorative operatory our office has the E.L. Foust Co., Inc. 160R2 Air Purifier.

The purifiers use activated carbon mix to control chemicals, fumes, odors, gases and controls particles such as: dust mites, mold and viruses.  It has performed well in independent lab tests and is used and recommended by allergists and environmental doctors nationwide.

Dr. Mallery had these installed to trap mercury vapor during amalgam removal creating safer restorative operatories for both staff and patients.

  • Scientific studies on amalgam removal have suggested that the dentist, staff and their patients can be exposed to higher than normal levels of potentially harmful Mercury vapor and other contaminants. Placement and removal of amalgam fillings are common dental procedures that are not always performed safely.

    The DentAirVac that we use in our office during our SMART Protocol provides a safe, worry-free environment during the procedure.

  • Listed below are a few of these contaminants that our DentAirVac suctions away from the patient:

    • Mercury Vapors from Amalgam Removal

    • Bacteria & Viruses from High-Speed Drilling

    • Noxious Chemical Disinfectant Odors &VOC Gases

    • Smoke Plume during Dental Laser and Electrosurge Procedures

    • Air Abrasion and Microetching Dust

    • Prophy Powder Particular