What is Argentyn 23?
Health Benefits of Pure Silver
What is Argentyn 23?
Argentyn 23 is a bio-active silver hydrosol. The 23 stands for parts per million with an ultra-fine dispersion utilized as a dietary supplement for immune support with multiple other uses.
What’s in it?
Argentyn 23 only has two ingredients: Pure silver and pharmaceutical-grade purified water. It does not contain added salts or proteins which render other silver products less effective. It is packaged in non-leaching glass bottles to guarantee purity throughout its shelf-life. It is a vegan product that is also allergen, gluten and GMO-free.
What does bio-active mean?
Argentyn 23 contains greater than 98% bio-active silver ions and silver nanoclusters, making it exponentially more powerful than other brands on the market.
How much silver am I actually ingesting?
Argentyn 23 is easily absorbed with its particle size of 0.8 nanometers, allowing for an easy absorption into and excretion from the body.
Argentyn 23 is formulated to be safe for the whole family. Take 3 times a day for 70 years, Argentyn 23 still falls below the EPA daily Oral Silver Reference Dose (RfD).
For Best Results:
The success of silver hydrosol as the ultimate immune supplement not only depends upon the right particle size, particle energy and purity, but also through correct usage.
Simple Guidelines for ensuring your satisfaction with Argentyn 23:
Maintenance: One Teaspoon: Hold under tongue for 30 seconds, then swallow once per day.
Immune-building: 3 times daily.
Long-Term Immune Support: 5 times daily.
Short-Term Immune Support: 7 times daily.
bioavailable immune supplement