Root Canal Therapy: Is It Worth it?
The Dangers of a Dead Tooth in the Oral Cavity
Root canal therapy is considered the standard of care by the American Dental Association. Emerging science, however, is demonstrating that no matter how well the procedure is performed, 100% sterilization is rarely, if at all, achieved.
Each tooth has one to four main canals where a blood vessel and nerve bundle resides. When this living tissue undergoes infection or necrosis, a root canal therapy is usually the treatment of choice.
During this therapy, the clinician will remove the diseased tissue, disinfect the canal, and will place gutta percha to seal the canal.
However, there are about three miles of microscopical perpendicular canals and dentinal tubules that the clinician cannot instrument. This is where bacteria gets retained and produces toxins. The whole tooth then becomes a reservoir of toxicity and places your immune system under ongoing stress.
As the immune system works overtime non-stop, this puts your body in a perpetual state of inflammation. Inflammation is a root cause of the vast majority of systemic diseases such as Type II diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and cancer just to name a few.
Furthermore, once a dead tooth is allowed to remain in the mouth, all the organs that are downstream on the energetic meridian get affected as the energy flow becomes impeded. For all these reasons, Dr. Mallery doesn’t recommend root canal therapy unless as an emergency temporary measure. For more information and scientific references please go to International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology website.
Autoimmunity | toxins | detox | sibo | gut health | microbiome