Holistic Dentistry 101


White Sands Holistic Dentistry Presents: Holistic Dentistry 101

Holistic Dentistry is Fluoride-Free

Fluoride, a waste byproduct of aluminum manufacturing and phosphate mining industries, is a neurotoxin, hormonal disruptor and a carcinogen. It has been shown to cause osteosarcoma of the bone, neurological dysfunctions, hip fractures, hypothyroidism, calcification of the pineal gland, and lowering of IQ, just to name a few. It has also been shown to increase the toxic effect of mercury on neurons in the brain.

At White Sands Holistic Dentistry, we will not place fluoride gel or varnish as a preventative measure against caries, as there are much safer alternative methods such as clean nutrition and a simple baking soda. A holistic dental practice also uses fluoride-free versions of sealants, composite resin materials, cements, prophy pastes, whitening gels, etc. Furthermore, it is common for a holistic dental practice to install a reverse-osmosis filtration system on their water supply or use distilled, ozonated water. Lastly, a holistic dentist will encourage their patients to use fluoride-free dental products and drink fluoride-free water. 

Holistic Dentistry is Mercury-Free and Mercury-Safe

Mercury is the most highly toxic substance known to man, next to radioactive plutonium. Just one atom of mercury has the potential to kill a brain cell. Brain and nerve tissue is the most highly susceptible organ system followed by liver, intestine, kidney, lung, and blood cells. Dental amalgam fillings are 50% mercury by weight and toxic levels of mercury are released from their surface in the form of mercury vapor on ongoing bases.

Mercury is also released in form of microscopic droplets when the surface of such fillings is stimulated by brushing, chewing, grinding, or drinking hot liquids. Mercury exposure resulting from these fillings has been shown to cause neurological dysfunctions ranging from anxiety, depression, insomnia, irritability, nervousness to autism, Asperger’s, ADD, ADHD, Parkinsons, Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis. Other mercury-induced diseases include Sjorgen’s syndrome, metabolic dysfunctions, liver toxicity and liver failure, kidney failure, arthritis, leukemia, Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and the list goes on.

A holistic dentist will not place these fillings in the first place and furthermore, their removal is accomplished under strictly controlled conditions. At White Sands Holistic Dentistry, we are certified for Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART); a protocol developed by International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. During this procedure the patient is protected by a rubber dam and barriers covering their body and face. The staff is protected by appropriate garments and mercury-safe masks or respirators. Mercury-specific air filtration and industrial-style vacuum system is employed as well. Environmental amalgam separator is installed in order to prevent the release of mercury into the environment (mandated by the EPA). Further, the administration of charcoal binder tablets before and after the procedure is utilized as well. At White Sands Holistic Dentistry, we also administer high-dose IV vitamin C and glutathione to help your body with detoxification.

Holistic Dentistry is Metal-Free

Besides mercury, other metals routinely used in dentistry are also toxic to the human body. Some are carcinogens, such as nickel, but others may induce autoimmune response, symptoms of which may not show up until years or decades later. All metal or metal-reinforced crowns and bridges, metal partials, orthodontic wires and brackets, stainless steel crowns, and titanium implants have any combination of toxic nickel, chromium, cadmium, titanium, and palladium for example. At White Sands Holistic Dentistry we use zirconium, BPA/BPB free composite resins, hypoallergenic nylon-based removable prosthesis, and biocompatible porcelains in lieu of any metals. 

Holistic Dentists Do Not Perform Root Canal Therapy as a Long-Term Definitive Procedure

The American Dental Association considers root canal therapy a standard of care in order to preserve severely damaged, infected, abscessed, dead, or painful teeth. However, extensive research has shown that, despite highly advanced techniques, sterilization of a tooth is impossible. This is due the complex anatomy of major canals, accessory canals, and microscopic dentinal tubules. Several studies that collectively examined thousands of root-canaled teeth showed bacterial contamination in every single case. A dead tooth is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and their toxins are being continuously released into the surrounding bone. These bacterial toxins get picked up by blood supply and circulated around the body, causing systemic disease or disease in distant parts of the body. Furthermore, the immune system is forced into perpetual state of emergency which is a primary cause of systemic inflammation.

Further, root-canal treated, dead, or abscessed teeth have been shown to cause autoimmune disease as well as cancer. 98% of women with breast cancer have been shown to have two or more root canals on the side of the offending breast. Similar statistics have been scientifically documented for other cancers, such as cancer of prostate, pancreas, and a large intestine, for example. There are about 40 million root canals performed in the United States annually, most likely contributing to the grim cancer statistics we see today. 

Holistic Dentists Will Take Great Care in Preventing Jaw Bone Cavitations (also known as ischemic jaw bone disease or jaw bone necrosis)

When teeth are being extracted it is important to use anesthetic with minimal vasoconstrictor (epinephrine), it is critical to use ozone therapy to disinfect the surgical site, it is important that the patient supplements with high doses vitamin C and D, and it is also important to remove the fibrous tissue, called periodontal ligament. These important details are not being taught in dental schools. For example, the presence of periodontal ligament signals to the body that the tooth is still there and proper bone healing may be incomplete. Also, too much epinephrine will constrict the blood vessels and starve the surgical site of oxygen and vital nutrients, leading to collapse of vascular bed and a failure of bone marrow to regenerate. This results in a necrotic site within the bone, called a cavitation. This is where bacteria will reestablish their colonies. Histology tests of specimen recovered from these cavitations report presence of necrotic bone, bacteria, parasites, mold, and heavy metals.

At White Sands Holistic Dentistry, we send a specimen to DNA Connexions and receive analysis of bacterial species harbored in these sites. Cavitations, just like root-canal treated teeth, have been implicated in degenerative diseases such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and cancer. Diagnosis of cavitations is aided by Cone Beam CT Scan and thermography. At White Sands Holistic Dentistry we not only take great care in preventing cavitations in the first place but our doctors are trained in surgically revising already existing cavitations, a process called cavitation surgery. 

Holistic Dentists Will Utilize Ozone Therapy as a Non-Toxic Alternative to Pharmaceuticals

Ozone gas and ozonated water is a highly effective way to disinfect and de-sensitize a tooth structure, gum tissues, extractions sites, and cavitations. Ozone is a dynamically unstable molecule of three oxygen atoms that will rapidly dissociate whereby oxidize and neutralize everything on contact including bacteria, viruses, parasites, mold and other toxic contaminants. Its oxidizing power is 3,000 times that of household bleach. Yet, ozone  immediately dissociates into oxygen and water therefore having no toxic side effects. Inhaling ozone gas into lungs and contact with eyes are the only contraindications and we take great care to prevent that from occurring.

Application of ozone in dentistry and medicine is wide-ranging. Ozone gas utilization in sterilization of extraction sockets and cavitations is paramount as it is otherwise impossible to maintain a sterile field in the mouth. Furthermore, its application in treatment of periodontal disease is virtually unsurpassed not only due to its disinfecting properties but ozone has also been shown to stimulate the immune response, restart oxygen metabolism, and promote lymphatic drainage aiding in the healing of gums.

At White Sands Holistic Dentistry, we also use ozone in the form ozonated oils as a healing salve and in the form of ozonide to disinfect sinuses and the upper airways through sinus and ear insufflation protocols. Finally, localized ozone gas infusion at the site of bothersome yet vital teeth can be powerful enough to prevent the tooth from abscessing and needing root canal therapy in the future. 

Holistic Dentist Will Assess Your Jaw and Upper Airway Development 

Generations-long Western lifestyle with its toxic diet, unhealthy habits, and diminished breastfeeding of infants has culminated in a widespread poor jaw development. This results in small jaws, recessed chin, nasal septum deviation, restricted tongue space, mouth breathing, restricted upper airway, overbites, cross bites, and tooth crowding. This further leads to sleep-disordered breathing and/or sleep apnea, propensity for dental decay and gum disease, as well as a lack of room for wisdom teeth leading to their impaction and the need for their extraction.

Mainstream orthodontics will rarely address the root cause of the problem, simply staying focused on straightening the teeth which often leads to further issues such as TMJ disorders and chronic clenching and grinding of teeth. Holistic dentistry seeks to correct the problem at the level of the root cause.

At White Sands Holistic Dentistry, we review your diet and make sure you eat organic whole-food diet and supplement with bone building nutrients such as protein, vitamin C, vitamin D, and trace minerals. We aid our pediatric patients with proper jaw development through Myobrace or Healthy Start appliances and habit correctors, through myofunctional therapy of muscles of mastication, and retraining the tongue posture and function. For teenagers and adults of all ages we follow appliance therapy and jaw expansion protocol developed by the biological orthodontist and our mentor Dr. Felix Liao. We highly recommend you read his books, “Six Foot Tiger, Three Foot Cage and Your Child’s Best Face.”

Holistic Dentists Will Offer Ceramic Implants for the Best Restoration of your Function after Losing a Tooth

Dental implants have been a standard of care in dentistry for decades. However, the vast majority of implants placed are made of titanium, a toxic heavy metal. The body rarely accepts the titanium implant through firm bone integration, but rather through a build-up of fibrous tissue and products of inflammation. Your body is then subject to continuous heavy metal toxicity leading to autoimmune response or rejection of the implant altogether.

The presence of metal in your mouth can also lead to nervous system disruption through galvanic current or “battery effect.” At White Sands Holistic Dentistry we offer ceramic, also known as zirconia, implants. We collaborate with the world-leading educator and producer of ceramic implants, the Swiss Dental Solutions (SDS) and Swiss BioHealth. SDS Implants have been awarded a quality certification for “cleanest implants” that are not only sterile but also free of any surface impurities and contaminants. These implants have been proven through scientific research that they truly integrate with the bone and are biocompatible with the human body.

Further, at White Sands Holistic Dentistry, in conjunction with ceramic implant surgery, we offer convenient “finger prick” vitamin D test as high vitamin D level in your blood stream is the main determiner of successful implant integration. We also round out our meticulous protocol with ozone therapy, nano silver therapy (Argentyn 23), homeopathics, and IV surgery blends consisting of magnesium and high-dose vitamin C. Speaking of IV vitamin C, we source our vitamin C in the form of non-GMO Sodium Ascorbate which is more biocompatible and more bioavailable than the conventional ascorbic acid. 

Holistic Dentists Will Offer Biological Dental Cleaning

Holistic dentistry will practice hygiene procedures according to standard of care in terms of assessing your periodontal condition and treating it as necessary. In addition, at White Sands Holistic Dentistry, we assess the condition of your microbiome through Phase Contrast Microscopy Exam. During this exam we take a small sample of your plaque and place it under a video microscope. We then point out to you, in real time, microbes that are a part of normal flora and the ones that are indicating a state of disease and disruption of your oral microbiome. Examples of these pathogens are motile spirochetes, trichomonads, spinning and gliding rods, as well as amoeba parasites. We then treat your condition accordingly through scaling and debridment as well as ozone therapy; all the while we monitor your microbiome shift toward health through repeated microscope analysis.

We also use all-natural products for tooth polishing, free of toxic dyes and fluoride and we even offer you your favorite Young Living essential oils to be added to the polishing paste for the best therapeutic outcomes. Finally, we may offer you dental probiotic supplement, such as BioGaia, to help you re-establish a healthy microbiome. Your home-care collaboration is paramount, and your hygienist will review with you your best home-care strategies and will recommend to you the most appropriate tooth paste, mouth wash, a tooth brush, floss, or water-flossing device such as a WaterPik

For more information go to www.whitesandsdentistry.com, International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology at www.iaomt.org, and International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine at www.iabdm.org.

White Sands

We work with our patients at the level of nutrition, prevention, and detoxification and place emphasis on conservative dental treatment. We provide fluoride-free, mercury-free, and mercury-safe procedures.


Throat Chakra: Teeth, Emotions, and Spirituality


Ozone Therapy