Biological Dental Hygiene
Biological dental hygienists are more than just tooth scrapers. We look at your body as a whole through the oral-systemic link.
Are Your Teeth Making You Sick?
Biological and holistic dentistry seeks to heal diseases plaguing the oral cavity, but emerging science also confirms that any disease of the mouth has systemic ramifications.
What is Biological Dentistry?
At White Sands Holistic Dentistry, we have undergone a full conversion to a biological dental practice after reviewing scientific research that clearly shows the toxicity of some of the materials and procedures being taught in dental schools, and subsequently practiced in mainstream dentistry.
Holistic Dentistry 101
Learn about the key principals of Holistic Dentistry, including mercury-free, fluoride-free and other non-toxic, conservative approaches to oral health.
White Sands Dentistry, the Holistic Approach
In 2018, White Sands Dentistry fully and successfully transitioned to holistic and biological dental care. This change culminated through many years of research on toxic procedures and materials related to the dental industry.
All-Natural Alternatives for Maintaining your Oral Health
Our office offers safe, natural, treatments both in-office and for home use.
Easy Recipe for All-Natural Homemade Toothpaste
Toss out your commercial toothpaste and create your very own natural one! It is easy to do and costs very little to make.
Why Dr. Mallery prefers to rinse with Himalayan pink salt
Toss out your commercial mouth wash as it is not only creating an environmental footprint; it is also expensive and full of chemicals!