An FDOJ, or cavitation, is a pathological area in the jawbone that affects the entire body in the form of a silent, chronic inflammatory reaction.
In the area of an FDOJ, the bone is no longer compact and white, but consists of yellow, inflammatory fat and dead bone cells. FDOJs are most commonly found in areas where teeth have been removed, but also around root canal-treated teeth or in sections lacking teeth. 90% of most cases occur due to the removal of wisdom teeth.
They can be reliably diagnosed with the help of a 3D X-ray and in conjunction with the typical symptoms (see below). Unfortunately, many conventional dentists still do not recognize FDOJ as a disease requiring treatment, although the scientific evidence is becoming increasingly clear. However, the most crucial evidence remains the experience of the patients themselves: After about 50% of the FDOJ removals, patients feel a significant improvement, relief, free feeling in the head, improvements to previous symptoms of pain and discomfort as soon as they get up from the treatment chair.
FDOJs put our bodies in a subtle but permanent state of stress. They can be the trigger of nerve pain in the facial area. Nerve function may even fail due to the many nerve tracts that run from FDOJs towards the brain. In addition to neuralgic symptoms, there are other typical symptoms and diseases directly associated with FDOJs such as:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
lack of energy (burnout)
all kinds of cardiovascular problems
adrenal weakness
weight gain
skin diseases
intestinal problems
autoimmune disease
Lyme disease.
The only effective therapy is a minimally invasive surgical removal of the FDOJ, as this is the only way to achieve complete healing of the area. Drugs or antibiotics are not effective on the bone due to a lack of blood supply.